
Big thanks to these warm-hearted contributors:
PDG Bikestore with a trusty Surly Karate Monkey
Rogue Panda Designs with a rolltop-framebag
Sigma Sport with a Rox GPS 7.0
FxM Pedal Harder with cycling caps

Thanks a lot, Patrick, Nick, Wilco and Koen.
You can read more about the sponsored items here.

Also feeling inspired to sponsor me?
Or just want to treat me to tea, some bread or a bed for the night?
It will be sooo much appreciated.
Blogging cost money, I wasn’t realising this in advance. You have to stay in a hostel because you need electricity and an internet connection. It also takes time to go through your pictures and write down your story. It takes time to write it in two languages.
I never thought I would ever put a donation button on my profile. At least not one for me. But time tells me that money is necessary to continue what I am doing. That’s why…
You can contact me through this form or donate right now via the donate button.
Donate Button

If you want to sponsor UNICEF Belgium and WWF head over to my charity page. where you can find all the info.

Found a great camp spot, dinner time! Thanks for the tea 🙂